British Paediatric Neurology Association (BPNA) Annual Conference / by Richard Rosch

January is always a busy time of the year - everyone is coming back from holiday-hibernation, and then there are the yearly Young Epilepsy Research Retreat from the UCL Epilepsy Research teams, closely followed by the BPNA Annual Conference. I particularly enjoyed the opportunity this year to take some work back to the conference, that could have only happened because I was introduced to the right collaborator at this very conference a few years back.


Thanks again to Ming Lim for making the introduction to Sukhvir Wright - brilliant child neurologist and neuroscientist looking into autoimmune causes of epilepsy. This chance(ish) meeting has spawned the work that has only recently come out in our PNAS paper. Here is me talking to a room full of child neurologists about our finding in regards to cortical dynamics in mice and in kids under NMDAR-Ab exposure.